Home Excel VBA Operators in VBA: A Comprehensive Guide

Operators in VBA: A Comprehensive Guide

by Duong Manh Quan

Operators in VBA are essential for performing mathematical operations, comparisons, and logical evaluations. This article introduces VBA operators, providing examples, some practical applications, and essential tips.

I. What Are VBA Operators?

VBA operators are symbols or keywords used to perform operations on values and variables. They allow you to carry out calculations, manipulate strings, compare values, and perform logical operations. VBA operators are divided into several categories, each tailored for specific types of tasks.

II. VBA Operator Guide

1. Parentheses

Parentheses are essential in VBA for grouping expressions and controlling the order in which operations are evaluated. They allow you to override the default operator precedence to ensure accurate calculations or logical evaluations.

Use CaseDescriptionExampleResult
Override PrecedenceEnsures that operations inside parentheses are evaluated before others.(1 + 2) * 39
Improve ReadabilityMakes complex expressions easier to understand by grouping related operations.((a + b) * c) / d
Control Logical FlowEnsures logical expressions are evaluated as intended when combined with operators.(a > b) And (c > d)

Example: Arithmetic Precedence

Without parentheses:

Public Sub WithoutParentheses()
Dim result As Long
result = 1 + 2 * 3
Debug.Print result ' Output: 7
End Sub

With parentheses:

Public Sub WithParentheses()
Dim result As Long
result = (1 + 2) * 3
Debug.Print result ' Output: 9
End Sub
  • In the first example, multiplication takes precedence, so 2 * 3 is evaluated first.
  • In the second example, parentheses force 1 + 2 to be evaluated first.

Key Tips:

  • Always use parentheses when combining multiple operators to clarify the intended order of evaluation.
  • In logical expressions, parentheses help avoid ambiguity, especially when combining And and Or operators.

2. Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical operations in VBA, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They are fundamental when automating numerical computations in Excel or other Office applications.


Arithmetic operators process numeric data types (e.g., integers, doubles) and return a computed value. They follow standard mathematical rules, including operator precedence, where multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.

^Exponentiation2 ^ 38
+Addition3 + 58
-Subtraction10 - 73
*Multiplication4 * 28
/Floating-point Division9 / 24.5
\Integer Division9 \ 24
ModRemainder Division10 Mod 31

Example: Automating Calculations

Public Sub ArithmeticExample()
Dim a As Double, b As Double, result As Double
a = 10
b = 3

result = a + b ' Addition
Debug.Print "Addition: " & result

result = a / b ' Floating-point division
Debug.Print "Division: " & result

result = a Mod b ' Remainder division
Debug.Print "Remainder: " & result
End Sub

Key Tips:

  • Use \ for integer division to discard fractional parts.
  • Combine ^ for power operations with other operators to calculate exponential formulas.

3. String Concatenation Operators

String concatenation operators allow you to join multiple strings into one. VBA provides two operators for this: & and +.

&Implicit string conversion"Hello " & 123"Hello 123"
+No implicit string conversion"Hello " + "World!""Hello World"

Example: Joining Strings

Public Sub StringExample()
Dim str1 As String, str2 As String
str1 = "Hello"
str2 = "World"

Debug.Print str1 & ", " & str2 & "!" ' "Hello, World!"
Debug.Print str1 + " " + str2 ' "Hello World"
End Sub

Key Tips:

  • Use & for flexibility and ease when combining numeric and string values.
  • Explicitly convert numbers to strings with CStr() when using + to avoid runtime errors.

3. Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values and determine their relationship. They return Boolean results (True or False).

=Equal to5 = 5True
<Less than3 < 5True
>Greater than8 > 6True
<=Less than or equal to4 <= 4True
>=Greater than or equal to7 >= 5True
<>Not equal to9 <> 6True

Example: Validating Data

Public Sub ComparisonExample()
Dim score As Integer
score = 85
If score >= 50 Then
    Debug.Print "Pass"
    Debug.Print "Fail"
End If
End Sub

Key Tips:

  • Use <> to check for inequality.
  • Combine comparison operators with logical operators for complex conditions.

4. Logical Operators

Logical operators evaluate one or more Boolean expressions and return True or False. They are critical for creating advanced decision-making logic.

AndBoth conditions are trueTrue And FalseFalse
OrAt least one is trueTrue Or FalseTrue
NotNegates the conditionNot TrueFalse
XorExactly one is trueTrue Xor FalseTrue

Example: Combining Conditions

Public Sub LogicalExample()
Dim age As Integer
Dim income As Double
age = 30
income = 50000

If (age > 18) And (income > 40000) Then
Debug.Print "Eligible"
Debug.Print "Not Eligible"
End If
End Sub

Key Tips:

  • Use parentheses to group conditions for clarity.
  • Combine And and Or for multi-conditional evaluations.

5. Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators manipulate individual bits in binary representations of numbers. They are less commonly used but powerful for specific applications like encryption or hardware interfacing.

AndBitwise And6 And 124
OrBitwise Or6 Or 1214
XorBitwise Exclusive Or6 Xor 1210
NotBitwise NotNot 3252

Example: Logical Operations on Bits

Public Sub BitwiseExample()
Dim num1 As Byte, num2 As Byte, result As Byte
num1 = 6 ' Binary: 00000110
num2 = 12 ' Binary: 00001100

result = num1 And num2
Debug.Print "Result (And): " & result ' Output: 4
End Sub

6. Assignment Operator

The assignment operator = assigns a value to a variable or property. It is the simplest yet most frequently used operator in VBA.

Example: Assigning Values

Public Sub AssignmentExample()
Dim x As Integer
x = 10
Debug.Print x ' Output: 10
End Sub

7. Specialized Operators

Specialized operators in VBA are designed for specific purposes, offering unique functionalities like breaking long lines of code, running multiple statements on a single line, and evaluating expressions directly in the Immediate Window. These operators enhance code readability, flexibility, and debugging efficiency.

_Line continuation"Hello, " & _ "World!"
:Statement separatorDim x: x = 10: Debug.Print x
?Immediate window query?2 + 2

Example: Line Continuation

Public Sub SpecializedExample()
Debug.Print "This is a " & _
"long line."
End Sub

By extending the explanations, each section provides a thorough understanding of VBA operators for learners and practitioners alike.

III. Conclusion

Operators in VBA are essential tools for writing efficient and powerful code. You can use this guide along with the Microsoft documentation on operators as a reference to fine-tune your VBA skills. Hope this article helps you.

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