Home Excel How to Automatically Resize Text to Fit Cells in Excel

How to Automatically Resize Text to Fit Cells in Excel

by Kim Thu

When working with Excel, ensuring that text fits perfectly within cells can be a challenge. Sometimes, content gets cut off or displays ### due to insufficient space. To resolve this, Excel provides various ways to automatically resize text to fit cells, allowing for a cleaner and more readable spreadsheet. This guide will walk you through different methods to achieve this effortlessly.

Automatically Resize Text 2

1. Using Shrink to Fit

Shrink to Fit helps automatically reduce the text size to fit within the cell without changing the cell size.

Steps to follow:

  1. Select the cell or range of data to adjust.
  2. Press Ctrl + 1 to open the Format Cells dialog box.
  3. Go to the Alignment tab.
  4. Check the Shrink to Fit option.
  5. Click OK.

Result: When you narrow the cell, the text will automatically shrink. When you widen the cell, the text size will return to normal.

Automatically Resize Text

2. Using Wrap Text

If you want the content to be fully displayed without reducing the text size, you can use Wrap Text to enable automatic line breaks.

Steps to follow:

  1. Select the cell or range of data to adjust.
  2. Press Ctrl + 1 to open the Format Cells dialog box.
  3. Go to the Alignment tab.
  4. Check the Wrap Text option.
  5. Click OK.

Result: The content in the cell will automatically wrap to the next line instead of being cut off.

3. Using AutoFit Column Width

If you do not want to change the text size but still ensure full data visibility, use AutoFit Column Width to automatically expand the column.

Steps to follow:

  1. Select the column to adjust.
  2. Press Alt + H + O + I or Double-click the right edge of the column header.

Result: The column width will automatically expand to fit the content inside.

Automatically Resize Text 2

By using Automatically Resize Text to Fit Cells in Excel, you can ensure that your data remains readable and well-organized. Whether you choose Shrink to Fit, Wrap Text, or AutoFit Column Width, each method offers a practical way to display text properly within cells. Try these techniques to enhance your Excel workflow and improve data presentation!

See more: Adjust the text size automatically

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