Home Powerpoint Summary of commonly used shortcuts in PowerPoint

Summary of commonly used shortcuts in PowerPoint

by Nguyen The Loc

Using shortcuts and shortcut combinations will help you work quickly and efficiently in PowerPoint. In this article, we would like to share with you the commonly used shortcuts in PowerPoint. Please follow along.

1. Common Shortcuts in PowerPoint

Key Combination Function
Ctrl+N Create a new presentation.
Ctrl+M Add a new slide.
Ctrl+B Apply bold formatting to selected text.
Ctrl+T Open the Font dialog box.
Ctrl+X Cut selected text, objects, or slides.
Ctrl+C Copy selected text, objects, or slides.
Ctrl+V Paste cut or copied text, objects, or slides.
Ctrl+K Insert a hyperlink.
Ctrl+Alt+M Insert a new comment.
Ctrl+Z Undo the last action.
Ctrl+Y Redo the last action.
Page Down Go to the next slide.
Page Up Go to the previous slide.
F5 Start the slideshow.
Esc End the slideshow.
Ctrl+P Print the presentation.
Ctrl+S Save the presentation.
Ctrl+Q Close PowerPoint.

2. Shortcuts for Working with Presentations and Slides

Key Combination Function
Ctrl+M Insert a new slide.
Page Down Go to the next slide.
Page Up Go to the previous slide.
Ctrl+Minus (-) Zoom out.
Ctrl+Plus (+) Zoom in.
Ctrl+Alt+O Fit slide to screen.
Ctrl+Shift+D Duplicate the selected slide.
Ctrl+O Open a presentation.
Ctrl+D Close the presentation.
Ctrl+Shift+S Save the presentation with a new name, location, or format.
Esc Cancel commands like Save As.
Ctrl+O Open a recent file.

3. Shortcuts for Working with Objects and Text

Key Combination Function
Ctrl+X Cut selected objects or text.
Ctrl+C Copy selected objects or text.
Ctrl+V Paste cut or copied objects or text.
Ctrl+D or Ctrl+Drag Duplicate the selected object.
Ctrl+Shift+C Copy formatting of selected objects or text.
Ctrl+Shift+V Apply copied formatting to selected objects or text.
Alt+Shift+C Copy animation (Not available in Office 2010 and Office 2007).
Alt+Shift+V Paste animation (Not available in Office 2010 and Office 2007).
Ctrl+Alt+V Open the Paste Special dialog box.

4. Shortcuts for Object and Text Manipulation

Key Combination Function
Ctrl+Alt+5 Move focus to the first floating object (e.g., image or text box).
Tab or Shift+Tab Select another object when one is selected.
Ctrl+[ Send object back one position.
Ctrl+] Bring object forward one position.
Ctrl+Shift+[ Send object to the back.
Ctrl+Shift+] Bring object to the front.
Ctrl+A Select all objects on a slide.
Ctrl+G Group selected objects.
Ctrl+Shift+G Ungroup grouped objects.
Ctrl+Shift+J Ungroup selected objects.
Alt+Right Arrow Rotate the selected object clockwise.
Alt+Left Arrow Rotate the selected object counterclockwise.
Ctrl+Spacebar Play or pause media.
Ctrl+K Insert a hyperlink.
Ctrl+Alt+M Insert a new comment.
Alt+Equals (=) Insert an equation.
Shift+F10 Open context menu and edit an embedded or linked object.

5. Shortcuts for Selecting Text

Key Combination Function
Shift+Right Arrow Select one character to the right.
Shift+Left Arrow Select one character to the left.
Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow Select to the end of the word.
Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow Select to the beginning of the word.
Shift+Up Arrow Select from the insertion point to the same position on the line above.
Shift+Down Arrow Select from the insertion point to the same position on the line below.
Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow Select from the insertion point to the end of the paragraph.
Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow Select from the insertion point to the start of the paragraph.
Enter Select text within an object (when an object is selected).
Esc Select an object when text inside it is selected.

6. Text Deletion Shortcuts

Key Combination Function
Backspace Deletes one character to the left.
Ctrl+Backspace Deletes one word to the left.
Delete Deletes one character to the right.
Ctrl+Delete Deletes one word to the right.

7. Navigating Through Text

Key Combination Function
Left Arrow Moves one character to the left.
Right Arrow Moves one character to the right.
Up Arrow Moves up one line.
Down Arrow Moves down one line.
Ctrl+Left Arrow Moves one word to the left.
Ctrl+Right Arrow Moves one word to the right.
End Moves to the end of the line.
Home Moves to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl+Up Arrow Moves up one paragraph.
Ctrl+Down Arrow Moves down one paragraph.
Ctrl+End Moves to the end of the text box.
Ctrl+Home Moves to the beginning of the text box.
Ctrl+Enter Moves to the next placeholder or inserts a new slide.
Alt+Shift+Left Arrow Increases indentation level of a paragraph.
Alt+Shift+Right Arrow Decreases indentation level of a paragraph.
Alt+Shift+Up Arrow Moves the selected paragraph up.
Alt+Shift+Down Arrow Moves the selected paragraph down.

8. Find and Replace Text Shortcuts

Key Combination Function
Ctrl+F Opens the Find dialog box.
Ctrl+H Opens the Replace dialog box.
Shift+F4 Repeats the last Find action.

9. Text Formatting Shortcuts

Key Combination Function
Ctrl+T or Ctrl+Shift+F Opens the Font dialog box.
Ctrl+Shift+> Increases font size.
Ctrl+Shift+< Decreases font size.
Shift+F3 Toggles case (uppercase, lowercase, title case).
Ctrl+B Applies bold formatting.
Ctrl+U Applies underline formatting.
Ctrl+I Applies italic formatting.
Ctrl+= Applies subscript formatting.
Ctrl+Shift++ Applies superscript formatting.
Ctrl+Spacebar Clears manual character formatting.
Ctrl+E Centers text.
Ctrl+J Justifies text.
Ctrl+L Aligns text to the left.
Ctrl+R Aligns text to the right.

10. Slide Movement Shortcuts

Key Combination Function
Ctrl+Up Arrow Moves the slide or section up in order.
Ctrl+Down Arrow Moves the slide or section down in order.
Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow Moves the slide or section to the top.
Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow Moves the slide or section to the bottom.

11. View and Pane Shortcuts

Key Combination Function
Alt+F5 Switches to Presenter View.
F5 Starts the Slideshow.
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Toggles between Outline View and Thumbnails.
Ctrl+F1 Toggles full-screen mode (hides menus).
Alt+F9 Shows or hides guides.
Shift+F9 Shows or hides gridlines.
F6 Rotates focus clockwise through panes in Normal View.
Shift+F6 Rotates focus counterclockwise through panes in Normal View.
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Switches between Thumbnails and Outline View.
Alt+Shift+1 Displays level 1 headings in Outline View.
Alt+Shift++ Expands Outline View text under a heading.
Alt+Shift+- Collapses Outline View text under a heading.
Ctrl+A Selects all text in Outline View.
Ctrl+A Selects all slides in Slide Sorter View or Thumbnails.
F1 Opens the Help menu.

12. Selection Pane Shortcuts

Key Combination Function
Alt+H, S, L, P Opens the Selection Pane.
F6 Rotates focus through different panes.
Shift+F10 or Windows Menu Key Opens context menu.
Up/Down Arrow Moves focus up or down one item.
Left Arrow Moves focus to the parent group.
Right Arrow Moves focus to the first item in a group.
* (Numeric Keypad) Expands all groups and subgroups.
+ (Numeric Keypad) or Right Arrow Expands a focused group.
– (Numeric Keypad) or Left Arrow Collapses a focused group.
Shift+Up/Down Arrow Moves focus and selects an item.
Spacebar or Enter Selects the focused item.
Shift+Spacebar or Shift+Enter Deselects the focused item.
Ctrl+Shift+F Brings a selected item to the front.
Ctrl+Shift+B Sends a selected item to the back.
Ctrl+Shift+S Shows or hides the focused item.
F2 Renames a focused item.
Tab or Shift+Tab Moves focus between the tree view and Show/Hide buttons.
Alt+Shift+1 Collapses all groups in the tree view.
Alt+Shift+9 Expands all groups in the tree view.

13. Keyboard Shortcuts for Working with Task Panes

Key Combination Function
F6 Move to the task pane from another pane or area in the program window. (You may need to press F6 multiple times.)
Tab or Shift+Tab Move to the next or previous option in the task pane when an option is selected.
Ctrl+Spacebar (Office 2010: Ctrl+Down Arrow) Display the full set of commands on the task pane menu. (For example: access Close, Move, or Size buttons.)
Up and Down Arrow Keys Move to the next command on the task pane menu.
Enter Select the highlighted option on the task pane menu.
Arrow Keys Move or resize the task pane after selecting the appropriate command.
Ctrl+Spacebar, C Close the task pane.

14. Ribbon shortcuts in PowerPoint

Shortcut Keys Function
Alt+Q, then type a search term. Moves to the “Tell Me” or “Search” field on the ribbon to search for assistance or help content.
Alt+F Opens the File menu.
Alt+H Opens the Home tab to format slides, fonts, paragraphs, or drawings.
Alt+N Opens the Insert tab to add slides, tables, pictures, illustrations, forms, links, text, symbols, or media.
Alt+J, I Opens the Draw tab and accesses drawing tools.
Alt+G Opens the Design tab to apply themes and customize slides.
Alt+K Opens the Transitions tab to add transitions between slides.
Alt+A Opens the Animations tab to add animations to slides.
Alt+S Opens the Slide Show tab to set up and run presentations.
Alt+R Opens the Review tab to check spelling, accessibility, and add comments.
Alt+W Opens the View tab to preview the presentation layout, show/hide grids and guides, zoom in/out, manage windows, and view macros.
Alt+C Opens the Record tab to manage screen recordings, including audio and video.
Alt+Y, 2 Opens the Help tab to browse searches, contact support, and leave feedback in PowerPoint.

15. Working with the Ribbon Using Keyboard 

Key Combination Function
Alt or F10 Select the active tab on the ribbon and enable key tips. (Use arrow keys or shortcuts to navigate to other tabs.)
Tab or Shift+Tab Move focus to commands on the ribbon.
Arrow Keys Move up, down, left, or right through items on the ribbon.
Ctrl+Shift+F10 Show tooltip for the ribbon element in focus.
Spacebar or Enter Activate a selected button or control.
Down Arrow Key Open a dropdown list for the selected command.
Alt+Down Arrow Open the menu for the selected button.
Down Arrow Key Navigate through options when a menu or submenu is open.
Ctrl+F1 Expand or collapse the ribbon.
Shift+F10 or Windows Menu Key Open the context menu.
Left Arrow Key Move to a submenu or go back to the main menu.
F1 Get help for the selected command or control.

16. Other Useful Ribbon Shortcuts

Key Combination Function
Alt+H, F, S Change the font size for selected text.
Alt+W, Q Open the Zoom dialog box.
Alt+P, P Print all slides as full-page slides using the default printer settings (when the Print dialog is open).
Alt+G, H Select a theme.
Alt+H, L Select a slide layout.
Alt+W, P, N Show or hide the Notes Pane in Normal View.
Alt+H, F, O Open the Clipboard.
Alt+N, X Insert a text box.
Alt+N, J Insert a document or spreadsheet as an embedded object.
Alt+N, W Insert WordArt.
Alt+N, P, D Insert a picture from your device.
Alt+N, S, H Insert a shape.

Above is a summary of commonly used shortcuts in PowerPoint. Hopefully the article shared above will be useful for you in drafting presentations.

You can see more shortcuts at: Support.microsoft.com

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