Home Excel Top 3 Quickest Methods to Count Cells in Excel

Top 3 Quickest Methods to Count Cells in Excel

by Tran Thi Hong Hue

When working with Excel, besides performing common calculations, you may sometimes need to count the number of cells to analyze data and serve various purposes. So, which functions can we use to accomplish this task? Below are the three simplest and most effective ways to count cells in Excel.

1. Using the Combination of ROWS and COLUMNS to Count Cells in Excel

How to Use the ROWS and COLUMNS Functions

The ROWS function counts the number of rows, while the COLUMNS function counts the number of columns in a selected data range. By combining both, we can determine the total number of cells in a table using the following formula:



Where range is the data range you want to count.


Below is a sample spreadsheet:

Count Cells in Excel




  • ROWS(A2:A6): Counts the number of rows = 5 (5 employees).
  • COLUMNS(A2:E2): Counts the number of columns = 5 (Name, Age, Department, Position, Salary).
  • Total cells: 5 × 5 = 25 cells.

2. Using the COUNTA Function to Count Cells in Excel

How to Use the COUNTA Function

The COUNTA function counts the number of non-empty cells in a selected range.


=COUNTA(value1, value2, ...)


  • value1: A cell or range of cells you want to count.
  • value2: Additional cells or ranges.


Below is an employee attendance sheet:

Count Cells in Excel1


1. Identify the data range. For example, to count Nam’s working days, select B2:F2.

2. Enter the formula:


3. Press Enter. The result is 4 working days.

3. Using the COUNTIFS Function to Count Cells in Excel

How to Use the COUNTIFS Function

The COUNTIFS function works like COUNTIF but allows multiple conditions.


=COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)


  • criteria_range1: The data range to check.
  • criteria1: The condition to meet.
  • criteria_range2, criteria2, ...: Additional conditions.


Suppose you have a student score sheet:

Count Cells in Excel2

Task: Count students with a Math score of 8 and a Literature score above 7.


=COUNTIFS(B2:B6, "=8", C2:C6, ">7")

Press Enter → Result: 2 students (Lan and Minh).

4. Summary of Methods for Counting Cells in Excel

Method Function Practical Use
ROWS * COLUMNS Counts total cells in a data range Determine the number of cells in large tables
COUNTA Counts non-empty cells Count working days, employees with data
COUNTIFS Counts cells based on multiple conditions Count students meeting score requirements, employees meeting KPIs

You can choose the most suitable method based on your needs. Hope this article helps you work more efficiently with Microsoft Excel!

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